Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Day 21

Welcome! Day 21 (Aug 29) of North to Alaska


Today we started our day late with breakfast around 10:00 AM. This was not continental but a full breakfast buffet. On today’s agenda was an Alpine Hike on Alyeska Glacier starting at 1 PM.

The hike was to be about 2 hours traveling 1 mile with elevation of 800 feet, with moderate to strenuous activity. Actually it was a little over three hours about 1 ½ miles and 1000 feet elevation and more strenuous than moderate. Cassie decided to partake of the tram ride up 2300 feet but not actually hike. I think she almost changed her mind when she saw me gearing up. It was an experience. I did not even know what crampons were and I was getting fitted for them. We did not use the climbing harness or ropes but did have helmet and gloves. So off we went, immediately after the tram we started up. I forgot to mention this trip goes in all weather conditions and it was raining throughout most of the trip. There were five including the guide, a young couple who hikes a lot, a 64 year old man who has climbed several mountains (according to him) and me who tries to walk upright. I stayed up with the group most of the time. The young man watched out for me and would slow down as I got winded but on we went. Once we reached the glacier we stopped and put on our crampons and helmet. As we entered the ice we walked slowly making sure our spikes were embedded into the ice with each step. We walked up a good ways until we reached a break in the ice which our guide thought too wide to try and cross so decided to take an alternate path down which was a little steeper that the path we had taken up. So we moved to our right about 25 feet and started down. Going down is much harder that going up so we had actually slowed even more. We were sort of spread out and I was getting the hang of this ice walking when all of a sudden I felt myself falling, I later learned (the other older man saw it all) my left foot had anchored well but my right foot just slid on a glazed ice patch. The action seemed to be in slow motion as I was falling forward I felt my left foot release from the ice so I kicked it up and tried to lunge forward so my shoulder would hit first. It seemed to work. I my left shoulder hit first, then my left hip and finally just above my left knee. I was then sliding down toward the bottom. I was heading toward the young lady Julianne and the rock in front of her. She quickly sat down and pushed me back just as I reached the rock stopping my slide and possibly saving me from some more pain as my face would have hit the rock (I know some of you are thinking that just might have helped). I rolled to my back and lay there as water soaked my shirt and short inside my rain gear. While I did have some pain in my hip and above my left knee, thanks to Julianne nothing major. It took a few minutes for me to be able to stand up. The guide lady is strong. Once I was able to convince her I was not hurt and able to point my feet downhill she took my arms and pulled me up. She would not let me go for the next twenty minute until we were off the ice. We did make it the rest of the way without incident. It was a fun afternoon and I am glad I went.

Since I had not eaten lunch, Cassie had some soup while at the top of the tram, we had an early supper. Being a resort they had two very nice restaurants and a smaller one attached to a bar area. It was full so we ate in the bar. Same food just different atmosphere. Food was good.

Thus ending day 21. What will day 22 bring.
Top of Tram Station

Getting Ready for Glacier Walk

Foot and Head wear for Glacier

Cassie almost changed her mind

Tram First leg of Glacier Hike

Our Group notice smallest person is our guide

From on the Glacier

My Hero Julianne who stopped my slide

Alyeska resort from Mountain

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