Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Day 23

Welcome! Day 23 (Aug 31) of North to Alaska


Today we boarded the Denali Star for our 8:15 departure on our 7 ½ hour trip from Anchorage to Denali. We traveled this by car in 3 ½ hours last week. We decided to eat breakfast on the train so Cassie slept till 7:00 AM. We had a dilemma with parking at the train station. We will be gone for 7 days but the most days the pay as you park system will let you select is 5 days. Finally I decided to select 5 days and then buy another ticket for 2 days and place both on my dash with a note explaining what I had tried to do. Hopefully our car will be there next Friday when we return to Anchorage. Well I will deal with that when we return next Friday evening.

The trip up was mostly overcast with light to moderate rain. We had several good views but most we had seen on the drive down. So I will not have any scenery pictures for today. We arrived in Denali at 3:40 and was transferred to the McKinley Chalet Resort.

We had tickets for the dinner theater so at 5:00 we showed up at the Alaska Cabin Nite Dinner Theater. We sat twelve to a table Family style. The food was great beans, corn, potatoes with salmon and pork ribs, with berry cobbler for desert. Cassie sat next to a couple from Austin while I was next to a couple from Australia. Both couples were outgoing so we learned a lot from each. For instance in Australia they do not eat beans or potatoes. I wonder how do they survive.

The entertainment was good. Mostly music but country and upbeat with some audience participation. All in all an enjoyable evening.

Tomorrow on to the mountain.  

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